

Creator/Husband/Father/Veteran/Lover of Indie Comics Jeremiah 33:3…

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I mean not everyone can have drip like O'Hara so makes sense to me.

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Gonna pick up where I left off with the Hobbit and these joints:

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Way more than I can cram in one post but these 4, God's Smuggler, Magnus 1, Alpha Flight 17 and 18 cuz Sunfire is awesome as well as Spider-Man 2099 32ish-38 the Venom 2099 issues.

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Finishing up these floppies and gotta say Zero Hour might not have been as groundbreaking as the original Crisis but I still love this story. Extant has grown on me over the years (plus he gets his in the best JSA book ever) and Parallax is awesome 7/7 hypertimes would recommend

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Just reread then finished this is fast becoming my favorite iteration of Doc Savage. was unquestionably the man for the job to bring the art to life here. 7/7 Tommy guns would recommend.

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