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#SwampSunday Night was coming and Roland had not yet taken Malverde. So the warrior asked God for granting him one more hour of light after the sun had set. The wish was granted. Roland took Malverde and sank the city under the waters of the Carregal pond (co. Ribeira, #Galicia).
O irlandés San #Brandán e o galego #Trezenzonio (San Treeçon), santos navegantes á procura do Paraíso, imaxinados polo amigo @miguelcuba, alma mater de @landragrafica 🌊🚣🌊
Embora se descoñeza a súa localización exacta, os Anfílocos, pobo galaico aludido nas fontes clásicas, talvez foron na verdade uns *Ambilouci, etnónimo que en céltico significaría 'os que viven ao redor do bosque sagrado' (e que hoxe dá nome a un clube de futebol gaélico!).
Inspired by the statues of Gallaecian warriors and objects found in Galician and Portuguese #hillforts, artist Miguel Torre has recreated the appearance of a "corono" (chieftain) from Southern #Gallaecia during the Iron Age.
Near the Pena Abaladoira ('the oscillating stone'), in Alfoz (Northern #Galicia), a beautiful fairy woman or "moura" is believed to be living. Her hair is long and blond, and she sometimes offers a golden hare as a reward to whoever capable of untangling it.
#FairyTaleTuesday Sometimes positively connotated, other times identified with witches, the MEIGAS are well known characters in Galician lore. The word "meiga" may come from Latin MEDICA (since they are women who know the secrets of healing) or perhaps from MAGICA (magic woman).
Terá sido creada esa lenda pola comunidade irlandesa local, como xeito de lexitimación quer da súa presenza quer da súa causa política e nacional? Non admiraría. Nesa época, os irlandeses dedícanse a activar todo cando mito lles pode interesar para alegar unha orixe peninsular...
#SuperstitionSat According to Otta F. Swire, in the #Hebrides there was a belief that the best remedy to cure leprosy was to make a pilgrimage to #Compostela and spend several days in the city eating fish and shellfish from the #Noia estuary.
#WyrdWednesday In the cave of Chan do Lindeiro (#Galicia) the remains of a woman (baptized as "Elba" by archaeologists) were found along with those of three aurochs (ancestors of today's cows). The remains are more than 9000 years old.