Beira Atlánticaさんのプロフィール画像

Beira Atlánticaさんのイラストまとめ

Comunidade imaxinada. Caderno de bitácora dunha singradura de Fisterra a Cinn Tìre 🌅 #historia, #mitos, #música, #folklore... ▶️ Unrepentant Hibernophile.

フォロー数:591 フォロワー数:4129

Inés Vázquez's "Aldara. A lenda do cervo branco" is a comic book inspired by an ancient and well-known Galician legend about Aldara, a nobleman's daughter who turned into a white doe because of a curse.

If you want to know the legend, just go to down 👇

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This is A Pena Molexa (co. Narón, According to a legend (one of the many about this place), this stone was raised by an old woman who holds it with her finger. The day she stops doing it, the world will end.

📸 Luar na fraga
🎨 Carlos Afonzo

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If you ever sleep in a Galician house, watch out for the TRASNO's antics! This little creature, lame and with a hole in his left hand, is an expert in stirring dishes, making strange noises, messing things up... Fortunately, there are tricks to keep him busy! 🤫

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The "xente cativa" ( = 'little people' in Galician) is said to live in hillfort. They are very poor, they eat very little (some oysters and mussels) and the neighbors even gave them bags to make clothes, since they were naked.

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People of Martul (#Galicia) is said to have thrown the body of a huge 🐍 into the "Pozo do Piago", a deep, dark pond in the Miño river. The monster had eaten their animals and harvests, so they killed it. But the ground where the dead snake was dragged became barren.

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Estas descricións da Irlanda, a miúdo en termos eloxiosos e case bucólicos, visaban refutar a hibernofobia semeada séculos atrás por Giraldus Cambrensis na súa infausta "Topographia Hibernica", que tanto dano fixo á imaxe da illa e dos seus habitantes.

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Digamos antes de máis que o texto foi redixido por un estudante do Colegio de Irlandeses de Salamanca nalgunha altura do séc. XVII. Probabelmente como un exercicio práctico no seu aprendizado da lingua castelá.

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No noso folclore, a Santiago por veces revíraselle o xenio e acaba por punir cidades cuxos habitantes mostran tendencia á depravación, a falta de hospitalidade ou o paganismo recalcitrante. Este tema repétese na Bretaña.

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Os O'Sullivan de Beare foron un dos clans irlandeses que viveron o exilio galego tras a batalla de Kinsale (1601). Dermot (Dermicio), o patriarca, morreu case centenario na Coruña. O fillo máis novo, Philip, estudou en Santiago e redixiu varias obras sobre a historia da Irlanda.

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Orcavella was a horrible, child-eating hag who ravaged the Kingdom of Galicia for 176 years.
When she decided to die, she forced a shepherd to build a tomb (a for her in the vicinity of Cape Fisterra. Then she buried him alive with her.

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