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Beira Atlánticaさんのイラストまとめ

Comunidade imaxinada. Caderno de bitácora dunha singradura de Fisterra a Cinn Tìre 🌅 #historia, #mitos, #música, #folklore... ▶️ Unrepentant Hibernophile.

フォロー数:594 フォロワー数:4218

"Mezolith", de Adam Brockbank e Ben Haggarty.
Desexando lelo. Xa vos contaremos que tal.

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The monk Trezenzonio sighted from the top of the Brigantium tower (current Tower of Hercules, in a fabulous island, the Insula Magna Solistitionis. He sailed to reach it, and there he remained for 7 years, without suffering hunger, thirst or disease.

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The Torre da Moa (#Galicia) is the scene of many legends. According to 1 of them, in this place were the Celts ("1 of the 14 races before the current Galicians"), and then the XIGANTA MEOTA came. She was "a giant woman with the appearance of a man who ruled men".

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According to tradition, you have to take this herb on St. John's Eve and put it in the pocket or under the pillow of the person you are in love with. And the magic of the plant will make that person fall in love with you too! 😍

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In Galicia, white is characteristic of supernatural animals that announce an imminent ☠️
E.g., the CADELA PEREGRINA is a huge, white female 🐕 that drags her teats on the ground and puts 🔥 through her mouth. The person who meets her at night will die shortly.

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Entre os ríos Mero e Mandeo existiu na Alta Idade Media o condado de NENDOS (aínda hoxe arciprestado da sé compostelá).A súa orixe está nunha forma NEMITOS, ben documentada, relacionada e.g. co antigo irlandés "nemed" e que significaría "os nobres, os elevados, os privilexiados".

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They are not the only creatures with these characteristics in Galician folklore. The OLLÁPAROS lived in inland mountains. They were ravenous, man-eating giants with one eye on the face and the other on the back of the neck.

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On the Galician atlantic coast, sailors feared the ALARBIOS. They are horrible cyclops who travel by boat and capture the shipwrecked sailors to take them to their island. Once there, they feed them and, when the time comes, they devour them.

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An earl's daughter fell in love with a servant and escaped with him.They hid in a cave where a hideous snake killed the young man.She, mad with grief, founded a convent where she died.The place where the events occurred is called "A Cova da Serpe" (Snake's Cave).

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So the three girls fled, but the knight pursued them, riding his white horse. When they were about to be trapped, they invoked the help of the Devil, who transformed them into three large and beautiful quartz stones.

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