

25 @Tonnierose3 @ThatoneNicostan @JavMythic @NarutoSuperSage @DivineScholarrr @SimplynamedQ @FlowSantana3 and @EyepatchMask_ are my bros. #ADHD #Autistic

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I think I got all of the edge out

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Guys, sentai continuity is sexy

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Didn't say this yesterday but hot customers flirting with me made being the only guy to show up to work totally worth it.

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I can't leave until someone shows up to relieve me or my shift ends

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I just want to go home and eat ribs

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Time to get back out there and risk catching this Virus. I really should stay at home cuz honestly I'm not the healthiest person, I have bad lungs and a crap immune system but whatever, gotta work.

Bye peeps

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I'm in a weird mood all of a sudden

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