

25 @Tonnierose3 @ThatoneNicostan @JavMythic @NarutoSuperSage @DivineScholarrr @SimplynamedQ @FlowSantana3 and @EyepatchMask_ are my bros. #ADHD #Autistic

フォロー数:585 フォロワー数:716

What most people
saw during the


What I saw

6 47

I'd do that weeb/waifu thing but I'm not a weeb and I don't have a waifu. I have and she's 1000× better 💕

1 4

Ya ever thought something wouldn't bother you, but then it happens and you're kinda low-key depressed because of it. That's me

0 14

I'm just noticing. Ichigo has some scrawny ass legs. https://t.co/KLI1CGV2FW

3 4

A sneak peak at how my brain works

0 5

Searching for memes to steal. Hand them over.

0 5

I feel like I've upset Rosey with my absent minded ramblings

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