

MH Researcher (Retiring in March/April).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1281 フォロワー数:54239

Sometimes I like Rajang, and sometimes I hate it.

8 237

Diablos is okay in my mind (I like it in some games, and I don't like it in others).

At this point, Diablos is just "there" (Unless its name is Bloodbath Diablos, I don't really have any strong feelings for Diablos).

6 99

Nerscylla is a great monster (For me, Rakna-Kadaki is tied with Nerscylla if anyone asks). I think Shrouded Nerscylla is a good monster as well, but I find it a bit lacking compared to the standard Nerscylla.

3 95

I think Akantor and Ukanlos are just alright.

At least currently, I feel they don't have enough to differentiate themselves from each other and other quadruped flying wyverns like Tigrex. It's sad because I like the idea of these all-powerful giant flying wyverns.

4 112

I have a strong hatred for Plesioth, yet I do respect it to a degree.

1st - 2nd Gen: It was the bane of my existence during the early generations, but it did teach me to be flexible with other weapons, particularly Gunner Weapons.

3 104

Daimyo Hermitaur has been consistently good throughout the series imo.

Shogun Ceanatura is my carapaceon in the series. I really loved it in the 2nd Gen, but I despise it in the 4th Gen. At least Shogun Ceanataur improved in Sunbreak though it can be annoying from time to time.

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My favorite flagship monster in the series (At least currently, it's tied with Valstrax for 1st Place).

Scorned Magnamalo is definitely one of my favorite Variants in the series as of now.

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1st - 2nd Gen: Easily one of the worst fights in the series (Comparable to Lao-Shan Lung).

4th Gen: A massive step up from the 1st - 2nd Gen Fatalis, though needed a bit more flair.

5th Gen: Near perfection! Easily one of the most difficult fights in the series.

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I loved Brachydios back in the 3rd Gen, but I can't say the same for the 4th and 5th Gen.

I don't know what it is, but I feel Brachydios has just been getting progressively worse with each game (I feel the opposite about Raging Brachydios though).

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