

MH Researcher (Retiring soon. Going to stick around longer).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1270 フォロワー数:51824

It remains my favorite monster in the series due to its sheer aggression and unpredictability, especially back in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Gen of MH.

14 403

Don't even get me started about Jade Barroth.

I love that Subspecies, but it hasn't been seen in a game for years now.

5 198

I'm still trying to think of how I feel about these three overall (I do think Violet Mizutsune is the real highlight of this Title Update).

37 639

Threat Level 10★ - Scorned Magnamalo, Risen Chameleos, Thunder Serpent Narwa, Narwa the Allmother, Crimson Glow Valstrax, Gaismagorm, Apex Diablos, Apex Zinogre

4 55

Threat Level 8★ - Kushala Daora, Chameleos, Teostra, Malzeno, Shagaru Magala, Rajang, Bazelgeuse, Apex Arzuros, Apex Rathian

3 47

Threat Level 7★ - Magnamalo, Goss Harag, Almudron, Magma Almudron, Lunagaron, Astalos, Espinas, Gore Magala, Seregios, Tigrex, Diablos, Rakna-Kadaki, Pyre Rakna-Kadaki

3 40

Threat Level 5★ - Daimyo Hermitaur, Somnacanth, Barioth, Tobi-Kadachi

Threat Level 6★ - Blood Orange Bishaten, Aurora Somnacanth, Anjanath, Nargacuga, Mizutsune, Garangolm, Shogun Ceanataur, Rathalos, Zinogre

4 40

Threat Level 1★ - Great Izuchi, Great Baggi, Arzuros, Lagombi

Threat Level 2★ - Kulu-Ya-Ku, Great Wroggi, Aknosom, Khezu, Tetranadon

Threat Level 3★ - Royal Ludroth, Barroth, Basarios

Threat Level 4★ - Volvidon, Bishaten, Pukei-Pukei, Jyuratodus, Rathian

8 98

5th Generation of MH - Variants (特殊個体) cont.

5. Frostfang Barioth (氷刃佩くベリオロス)
6. Crimson Glow Valstrax (奇しき赫耀のバルファルク)
7. Narwa the Allmother (百竜ノ淵源ナルハタタヒメ)
8. Scorned Magnamalo (怨嗟響めくマガイマガド)

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