

MH Researcher (Retiring soon. Going to stick around longer).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1277 フォロワー数:52240

Poison and extreme head trauma/severe horn damage can also affect the abilities of some other elder dragons as well.

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As Kushala Daora grows, its hide will rust from oxidation, changing from silver to brown as the individual ages. These brown variants are known as Rusted Kushala Daora (錆びたクシャルダオラ).

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Although Kushala Daora has immense physical strength, its greatest ability is its control over wind. In the past, researchers had no idea how it could manipulate wind and couldn't even come up with any kind of possible theories.

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Because of its weight, Kushala Daora can't be pushed back by outside forces, such as flash floods and landslides, easily. Not only is Kushala Daora heavy, but it's also quite strong.

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Monster Hunter: World - Nergigante
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Velkhana
Monster Hunter Rise - Magnamalo
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Malzeno

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1. Monster Hunter Dos
2. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
3. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
4. Hunter's Encyclopedia [reprinted edition] - pg. 98

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While Shen Gaoren primarily uses physical attacks to bring down obstacles, it has another weapon that it uses. Shen Gaoren is capable of firing gigantic balls of acid out of its abdomen like a cannon.

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1. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
2. Hunter's Encyclopedia [reprinted edition] - pg. 140

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Its exoskeleton has an exotic lava-like appearance, making it perfect for crafting strong armor. While Terra Shogun Ceanataur's pincers are softer, they are still the perfect material for crafting sharp weapons.

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