

Very slowly making my own fighting game. Main account is @Triplicate94.

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:58

Her left calf region looks less worked on cause I'm going to be chopping it off and putting the prosthetic there anyway

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Working smaller; actually trying to keep the potential native game resolution in mind (360p). Very happy with how my antialiasing is looking and I'm trying to get away from the very high-contrast Under Night face shading a little

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Closer to the original color scheme? Need to still add the prosthetic and figure out how to make her back into a maid lol

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I think at this point, hands are my favorite thing to do in pixel art. At this resolution, at least. There's something so satisfying about moving individual pixels around to get the chunkiness or elegance of individual digits to coalesce

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I'm pixelling again; feels really nice cause it's been so long. I should alternate between pixelling and coding more frequently. I'm going to redo Maruko's outfit so she's wearing something that actually allows for poses like this

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Not exactly sure where I'm going with her

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Most threatening hime cut you'll ever see

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