

Very slowly making my own fighting game. Main account is @Triplicate94.

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:58

New girl's gonna drop soon and she's totally gonna kick your ass

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Don't ask how I'm planning on balancing a character with a design like this in my planned-to-be-footsies-oriented game cause I have no idea

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Here's my experiment I mentioned—take a 250px-height sprite, add an outline, then double sprite size with no pixel interpolation and add 1-px steps to just the outline, leaving the rest at the "original" resolution. The red in the image is just for demonstrative purposes

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Maruko in ma bu and si liu bu respectively. I'm learning toward ma bu right now. Also once again considering scaling the resolution down while I still can, since it'll be so much less work in the long run.......... Bonus matcha cafe colors thrown in

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Been really vaguely and slowly working on this the whole time, redesigned her outfit a bit. Still not finished, I still need to do more shading and finalize colors, as well as maybe change the positioning of her left arm

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Worst part of doing a semi-drunk drawing stream is waking up the next morning dreading to open up Aseprite to see what I ended up "satisfied" with before logging off. I feel like art you do always looks worse in the morning... but honestly this time I'm pleasantly surprised.

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Consider this an attack. Blame Stas.

If you see this— quickly retweet with your art and tag some super rad cool artists!

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Internet's been flickering on and off all night so this is me trying to post what I've done tonight while I still can. Stance is now lower. MORE POWERFUL

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WIP idle post for Maruko. Yes, she'll still have the prosthetic, I just haven't done it yet

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I'm back from work and I'm pretty happy with these hands

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