I Bought That Comic 🌈さんのプロフィール画像

I Bought That Comic 🌈さんのイラストまとめ

Steven Senski on old comics, movies, television, books, magazines, music & more. Entertainment helps us face reality, not deny it.

フォロー数:927 フォロワー数:4935

One tradition at Gold Key that I wish they had maintained - and had caught on at the other companies - was the practice of featuring the cover art on the back cover, unadorned by logos or other copy. Just imagine!

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6/27/78: Congratulations, CREEPY the first of Warren's comic mags to make it to that milestone, even more impressive by today's standards. Frequent Marvel mag cover artist Bob Larkin does the art; is editor playfully tweaking Stan for having outlasted him?

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Robert Kanigher was born OTD in 1915, and his shadow looms large at DC. With an epic stint writing WONDER WOMAN and a one-man army on the war books, it was his tales for the horror comics I first encountered. "Fast and prolific" was an understatement for Kanigher...

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Wally Wood drew one of the most poignant and affecting comic book stories ever as WEIRD FANTASY adapted Ray Bradbury's unforgettable "There Will Come Soft Rains..." in 1950. Coloring by Marie Severin.

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6/17/80: One of the most consequential comics ever. X-MEN gave us the fate of Jean Grey, and it hinged upon a seemingly throwaway panel in a previous issue. Claremont/Byrne deliver their masterstroke, and we were stunned. Four decades later and it still lands its punch.

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6/8/76: With DR. STRANGE Steve Englehart was in the midst of a sweeping tale about America's occult history, coinciding with the Bicentennial. Then he had a conflict with Marvel and exited the company, leaving mid-story. In this issue, Clea famously does it with Ben Franklin.

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3/15/77: I admit to not being the biggest fan of Jim Shooter's work on THE AVENGERS - I find his dialogue too stilted - but works and works well, as the Grim Reaper places the Vision on trial for the death of the newly-reborn Wonder Man. The art of George Perez is flawless.

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2/16/82: Comic shops were all a-buzzing for a new SILVER SURFER by the mega team of Stan Lee and John Byrne and, as gorgeous as it was to look at, it would be a few more years before Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers would launch a legit series. But in the interim...

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