

Goblin headlines brought to you by ace reporter Bugbat Jones. Action, intrigue and generally gross antics. Goblinous roleplay, the sulfurous smell of fun.

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Behold surface humans, Spider Underworld! Many legged spiders what done foul crimes in life, tormented in arachnid heck for all time. Not sure we wanna go in and get rolled around on cave floor by all these cat arms, but we could maybe find who in charge. What should we ask em? https://t.co/qa6kdSJzI9

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High class goblette gettin ready for she wedding, but she well tired of bein fussed over. Good thing the bar have plenty Slime Punch. https://t.co/R3fVBJJ88r

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Poor lil overlord got promoted too many times, he way over hims head. Minions keep bringin news about armies he don't know about an rival wizards with well funny names. It's tough at the top! https://t.co/M65IpMsuaj

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Barbarian illustration for a friends 5E homebrew

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Our lazy river boat ride to the Spider Underworld end in a dock with a WELL CREEPY gate. Lotta fire, sound of crackling carapace an lil spider screams. Golly! Frogbottom not wanna go in but I need hims help to document any weird nifty stuff happenin in there.

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Boatspider well friendly, it not talk so much but it a really good listener! I tell it all about fun Deep Cave vacation! Frogbottom does not like the spider underworld, he says it is too dark and wet, with not enough fun stuff like balloons or fire. Maybe they keep further in?

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