//=time() ?>
These Gnormal Gnomes say: “Gnot much going on with us gnowadays. Gnothing worth mentioning, at least. We’re pretty mellow by gnature.”
This Merperson Berserker (Merserker) screams: “FISH PUNS!” 🔨 🧜
This Apathetic Cleric says: “Siiiiiigh... I just ain’t feelin’ like dealin’ with healin’.”
This Disinterested Goblin says: “You wanna just go to the tavern or something?”
This Potion-Seller says: “Don’t worry, my potions aren’t TOO strong, traveller.” 🧪🥘
This Halfling Rogue (a Robbit) says: “12th breakfast or 9th lunch or whatever.” 💰🗡
I forgot what miserable jerks the seven dwarfs are in Ventus’s story.
Ven: “Hi.” 👋
Grumpy: “WE HATE YOU.”
This Bored Elf says: “Yeah, sure, archery or whatever.” 🧝🏹
@Sonic9jct I’m... not sure, actually?? You would think that by now we would have seen either one eat a burger or something, but I can’t really recall anything like that.
Even that recent image showing the bros eating lunch has a meat-free sandwich and pepperoni-free pizza.