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The Disney Investors Day virtual meeting is going on right now so if there is any news about an Alita: Battle Angel sequel it will probably be reported on the internet today.

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One of the great things about the Alita Day ad on Sept 9, 2023 was that it showcased Alita fan art. Alita has a haunting, unforgettable beauty.

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It's now 2:40PM Pacific Time and has been trending for 7 hours now, with a total of 1,625 tweets. Please continue tweeting.

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That Jon Landau got back to Los Angeles the day the Alita ad appeared in the Los Angeles Times is best explained by Divine Providence. God looks after his angels and God wants an Alita sequel.

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Today Alita is still in the Zimbabwe iTunes Top 10. The Avatar trailer has 22 million viewers & is doing a bit better than the Wakanda Forever trailer. Box Office Pro predicts an opening weekend for Wakanda Forever of at least $170 million & Avatar WOW will likely do the same.

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Alita: Battle Angel is showing on the FX Channel in the U S right now and google searches of "Alita Battle Angel" have once again increased. Alita will also be shown on the FXX Channel next week.

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The Numbers has updated Sept 25 2002 U S bluray sales. For the week ending Sept 25th it's estimated that Alita sold 1000 blurays in the U S. At Sept 25th it's estimated that Alita had worldwide profits of $105 million.

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Today, Alita: Battle Angel is on the iTunes Top 10 in Cyprus. Yesterday Alita was on the iTunes Top 10 in Cyprus. Keep in mind that Alita: Battle Angel has been out on streaming for more than 3 years now.

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The Numbers just updated Aug 28 2022 U S bluray sales. For the week ending Aug 28th it's estimated Alita sold about 500 blurays in the U S. At Aug 28 2022 it's estimated that Alita had worldwide profits of about $104 million. Alita's profits means a sequel has a fair chance.

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The Numbers updated Aug 21 2022 U S bluray sales, but Alita wasn't listed. For the week ending Aug 21st it's estimated that Alita sold 600 blurays in the U S. At Aug 21 2022 it's estimated that Alita had worldwide profits of $103.8 million. That's a very nice profit.

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