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The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:17645

Even once defeated, Malice’s work continues to reveal character. In the aftermath of her attack, Wolverine makes a grave misjudgment, revealing Wolverine’s wavering faith in his instinctual senses – the edge that he’s losing (and will continue to lose). 8/11

2 49

Hank McCoy’s presence in the Dark Phoenix Saga provides a nice continuation of that character’s development, ultimately accelerating his difficult transition to the Avengers, in part, by having him here witness the true end of the original X-Men. 1/5

53 596

The scene shows Claremont (often accused of inefficient writing) doing a ton of heavy lifting in the interest of the story, characters, and themes, all in a small space. Of course, it’s not word count that decides efficiency; it’s payoff per investment. 9/9

2 74

In UXM 276, a simple 1 & 2/3 page sequence showcases the enormous impact that a comics writer can have by simply touching base with key character dynamics and interests for but a moment. 1/9

33 327

Much of the gravity and impact of the Dark Phoenix Saga was established after-the-fact with frequent call-backs to the emotional consequences of that event. Oddly, one of the more prominent and outspoken stories to undertake this approach is Kitty’s Fairy Tale. 1/10

30 389

In all of this, and with the help of Dazzler, Havok signals the devastation of the team with the loss of Kitty, Kurt and Piotr. In many ways, this increases the dramatic tension, by reducing the capability of the team and thus increasing their sense of overall vulnerability. 8/8

3 99

Then, while trailing Magneto, Havok continues to bumble, endangering himself and others. He nearly falls to his death in the sewers before accidentally blasting (and potentially killing) both Rogue and Dazzler. 4/8

0 70

The dream opens with Madelyne at a crossroads: go back to town or wander into the harsh, unforgiving desert. She chooses the latter and is quickly melted down to her essence. 2/7

2 82

In UXM 234 Madelyne’s fever dream from the previous issue is invaded by the corrupting forces that will trigger Inferno, while she herself makes the choices that will ultimately carry her to her outright destruction. 1/7

31 289

He takes her child as well. “He should be raised by his own kind. See how happy he looks.” Then he tears away Maddy’s face, piece by piece, and gives them to Jean, foreshadowing the clone relationship and the sense that the world can't sustain both of them. 9/11

4 77