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The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:16921

We can also see more complex reversals, however, in stories like the Dark Phoenix Saga, which begins with the X-Men trying to save Jean, then reverses (suddenly) into the X-Men trying to survive Jean…and then trying to save her again. 4/6

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Their first act is to bring in Magneto, despite the fact that he is already pursuing reform/rehabilitation independently, thus immediately establishing Claremont’s use of the group as a commentary on the wide gulf between law and justice. 2/5

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Because of this, her expulsion from the X-Men (by way of stabbing) becomes a deeply sympathetic tragedy, knowing that her anger and despair consumed her seemingly beyond the point of redemption; in her eyes, anyway. 7/7

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She finds herself living in a mansion within a free and open world and a loving supporting community – everything she’s been denied in her timeline. Rachel can’t simply forget her past, however, despite extensive efforts to do so. 3/7

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“She functions with Colossus as pretty much his older sister. I have a stack of letters this high saying what a great romance between Colossus and Storm, and they’ve all missed the point.”4/8

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Tragically, Jemail fails to unify David’s psyche due to Jack’s persistent will to power, but Jemail’s efforts save David from catatonia allowing him to meet his father for the first time and giving him hope for a life ahead. 7/7

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The truth is that Jemail’s prejudice was lost once he came to know David, and that he has since taken up the mantle of the boy’s protector and nurturer, actively trying to heal David’s wounds from within even to the point of destroying himself in the process. 6/7

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Claremont didn’t get the chance to complete his vision for the character (departing Marvel midway through an arc that featured David), but he laid the groundwork for a deeply unconventional character that later authors could build upon in both comics and television. 6/6

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Famously, Legion introduces the concept of a superhero with dissociative identity disorder (commonly called multiple personality disorder) with each identity controlling a separate superpower (telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis). 2/6

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These include, but are not limited to, a code of ethics and consent, a society that fears telepathy causing telepaths to stay underground, so to speak, or even just the portrayal of a naïve world that doesn’t seem to grasp the consequences of telepathy. 5/7

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