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The Claremont Runさんのイラストまとめ

The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:16921
# xmen

For Terjesen, telepathy would represent the breakdown of the fundamental barrier between private and public existence with massive ramifications on things like therapy, criminal justice, and even the abstract concept of shame. 3/7

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We also see Illyana’s anger and loneliness over her brother’s death, establishing all the key motivations that will drive her to create Inferno in the year ahead, whilst amplifying her individual tragedy - the key source of pathos for the New Mutants side of that crossover. 6/8

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This innocence is cultivated in the opening scene which portrays Piotr as simple-minded, self-destructive, and even a bit of a "himbo" (at least in Rogue’s eyes). 5/8

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UXM offers a bizarre story in which Magik must team with Colossus in order to save the New Mutants from Baba Yaga. Strange in premise, the issue nonetheless offers deep insights into the Rasputin family and the love between them. 1/8

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As Joseph Darowski () notes in his analysis of pre-Claremont Jean Grey, “though Marvel Girl’s powers are an asset, she frequently is too physically weak to use them or a man must direct her because she is too emotionally frail” (49). 2/4

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The story is important in other ways. It’s the first story featuring Kitty as a member of the X-Men; the first large exploration of Nightcrawler’s backstory; and it features artwork by a pair of future X-Men innovators in the form of John Romita Jr and Bob McLeod. 7/8

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And now your Uncle’s on fire and walking toward you and he’s speaking again, but just in Japanese, so baby-steps, and he takes you to a construction sight and tells you to close your eyes so he doesn't feel too awkward murdering people with a kid watching. 6/7

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We should also note that the use of non-iconic abstraction played a key role in pivoting Marvel toward a new house style in the 1990s, one that emphasized muscly men and Barbie doll women, thus projecting and perpetuating highly gendered, symbolic bodies. 7/7

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Superhero comics are famous for using this concept to build villains. The majority of superheroes have a prominent nemesis who personifies the “path not taken” for them, the being they could be if they turned to the dark side, so to speak. 4/9

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At the time, Wolverine had not yet been described in these terms (he actually really didn’t have a lot of narrative descriptions yet). It may be fitting then, that Claremont had ultimately intended for Sabretooth to be Wolverine’s father. 6/6

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