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Petition to add Plastic Man to all major incarnations of the JLA in perpetuity.

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JLA Kind of a loose one-off story, based on a philosophical debate over whether a bigger league is better...this story doesn’t quite answer that question, but The Atom gets to feel like a super smart guy who is good for him? Idk

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Over the weekend, I finished Baby's Got to Back - February 2021, a list of last month's Kickstarter highlights. There are many (fantastic) campaigns that wrap in the coming days, plus an interview with and about their comic Yumi...

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The new DC digital-first comics are doing some really interesting things, but the publisher badly needs a centralized location to find a list of them, especially without physical stores or previews to do the organizing and promotion. Tracing them via old press releases is no fun.

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Stop everything you’re doing and post a comic cover you really like.

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Finally, guessing ol Superbia is a little short-lived since we don’t really see it as a regular fixture these days within the DC Universe.

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‘Tactical atomic bullet engage’ is a wonderfully-absurd comics sentence.

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That’s one anguished angel.

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JLA This run has a steady ebb and flow of the team getting totally dismantled by some enemy...before then regrouping, figuring something out, and saving the day. And yet. It’s still a fun ride to get there, which is a credit to the creators.

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