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Resolved my housing situation and am now catching up on comics...reminder that this current run of Iron Man is excellent.

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DC One Million The thing I liked most about this second issue is that it makes excellent use of DC’s deep bench of great characters. No usual Batman, Superman, or even Wonder Woman in sight. Instead it’s Titans, Blue Beetles, The Atom. Great.

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JLA This is a great issue, reaching the utter peak of DC Comics superheroic absurdity to this point, and boasting a climax wherein Dream battles/imprisons Starro to ultimately save the world. Porter also levels up here, IMO.

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JLA Oh hey, I should have known from the cover but this one features Dream (Daniel), and it also features Starro. What a great and seemingly-disparate pairing of characters. Also, GMo is back after a guest stint by Mark Waid.

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I’m at the “reading unnecessary event tie-ins from 20+ years ago” stage of the pandemic. Art by Tom Grummett and Karl Kesel.

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Distracting myself by reading ahead in the project. Doing some DC One Millions tie-ins. Love the art in this Impulse comic by Craig Rousseau, Barbara Kaalberg, and Tom McCraw.

Also, here’s the UPDATED GMosJLA landing page if you’re curious:

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And your creative team for the evening is...

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