フォロー数:1477 フォロワー数:7619

Oh look, it’s these guys. (I am a fan of these guys.)

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Being linked to old case files was probably sci-fi fancy at this time. Technology acceleration is wild.

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And your creative team for this evening is...

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JLA Where do you go after your run involves facing an evil sentient sun from the distant future that required centuries upon centuries to defeat? You go to commentary about the inherent evil of the military industrial complex.

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Got new art back with colors for my debut comic, NEXT DOOR. Very by and colors by

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DC One Million The finale. I really liked this event (for which I read all the tie-ins), and it was an interesting contrast reading it alongside Future State, which felt looser and less consistent, but also in some places (Superman, especially) more interesting.

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DC One Million I’m really into this event, which has so many DC Comics things I love basically central to it and on display in this issue, from Plastic Man to Vandal Savage to the publisher’s deep bench of superheroes.

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The art on Cable? Still Very Good.

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I really enjoyed Victor LaValle's last comic, Destroyer, and am excited to see him returning to the medium, collaborating with Jo Mi-Gyeong on a dystopian journey book from called Eve. These covers look cool.

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