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JLA Kind of knew throughout the last issue that this wasn’t a full heel turn for ol’ Adam Strange, but still interesting to follow it as it plays out. The ending hits a bittersweet note that not too many superhero books tend to embrace. Next, Morrison returns!

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Boom’s Archaia imprint is making some good-looking comics. Eighty Days by A.C. Esguerra.

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Really pushing the absolute limit of the magazine printing schedule deadlines at my day job today. Need to get these pieces done and stop writing this Twe—

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Finally... “Even the dog of war knows when best to bite.” Orion is soooo into this.

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Adam Strange recap for the kids at home (me, I’m kids).

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JLA This one is a little disturbing. It’s about the mad-wrecking grief those who lose their families suffer. This is a major concern that seems to come up again and again among those making superhero comics. Not entirely sure why.

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Alternate Kyle here looks like every guy who worked at the comic shop I went to outside Chicago as a kid in the late ‘90s.

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JLA A nice end to this little story here, one that has an interesting lesson about not dwelling on what could have been, and also a bit of contemplation of needing to derive meaning from tragedy.

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And your creative team for the evening is...(side note: Wonder Woman’s face on this cover...just yikes, little porn/blow-up-doll-y).

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JLA is off, throwing our hashtag into utter confusion...but it’s a fun story nonetheless. Mark Waid scripts with regular series artist Howard Porter, which gives us some continuity. It’s also impeccably polished, as Waid’s work tends to be.

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