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The combo of these two pages back to back is a hell of a thing. Gave me the chills quite frankly, and may be one of the creepiest comics moments I can recall.

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So very creepy. And this is just the start of the disembodying bug imagery throughout.

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Saga of the Swamp Thing This issue was basically a good ol fashioned monster slugfest, featuring as it does a three-way superhero/villain battle with the side characters caught between. The payoff was strong though, with recent issues building to it well.

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Tom King and Jorge Fornes are doing a 12-issue Rorschach maxiseries for DC Black Label with the first issue dropping in October.

My news note for The Beat:

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This is a really subtly and effective way of establishing within the story that all the kids here are seeing the monster from last issue, versus something like explicitly showing it wreaking havoc or whatever.

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From the site today: Top Comics to Buy For July 15, 2020.

Not a bad bunch of books this week, really.

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Finally, we end on: “...the night is long and it is very hungry.”

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I've been writing A LOT about my favorite graphic novels of 2020 lately.

Best Graphic Novels of 2020 Jan. - Jun.:

Chasin' The Bird from Dave Chisholm:

Dark One from Vault Comics:

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