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Great Wonder Woman, great Hawkman.

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Absolutely No One:

Me: So, whoever named the Gil’Dishpan aliens was in the middle of doing the dishes, right?

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Saga of the Swamp Thing Not quite the pure dopamine blast of absurdly good comic book-ing that was last issue, but still an utterly excellent and nigh-perfect comic. The subtitle for this one could be “Woodrue’s got humanity issues too.”

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Here’s some more. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a better set of big superhero space battle illustrations. Larry Mahlstadt inked these pages and Carl Gafford colored them but I suspect those colors have been touched up.

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This is a prime example of what I’m talking about with Moore’s prose.

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I’m just going to come out and say it - the blatant corruption in the Orando governance structure hits too close to home these days.

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I just got a press release about The Comic Book Story of Basketball: A Fast-Break History of Hoops by Fred Van Lente and Joe Cooper, and I think this might be the third in a trifecta of great hoops OGNs for 2020 (Dragon Hoops, Old Head).

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Saga of the Swamp Thing I’m glad I read the Pasko run; this issue would have been different without it. That said, the level up in the quality of the comic is instantly noticable, even in this story that’s called Loose Ends because it has so much to tie up.

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The Saga of the Swamp Thing It’s part 2 of the guest storyline, which is very of its time and features a crystallized villain who wants to hack the world to pit the US and Russia against each other in nuclear war...until he is shattered via the right notes on a synthesizer.

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