

Indie company focused on comics, music, and game development. Discord -

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One of the last characters for Kid Wars - Frontier Force is the Episode 1 character! ryan bose!

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Tonight the DD Mega Packs 2 and 3 will be updated for purchase! With the Print access allowed on Drivethrucards!:

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This month, get yourself ready! As a lot of our sites and servers are going back up!:

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Taking advantage of Operation - BBQ! The 3D printed and full set packages of Kid Wars content will be live September 10th, 2022!:

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Last week came the finale of NosQL - Season III and with it the cool down phase has come and past! Hope too see the next NosQL in 2023!:

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This week has been the long awaited equipment collection of Kid Wars! All the military hardware introduced in the main and sub-series' will be
represented with full documentation of their capabilities!:

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This Sunday we will be dominating with the next big project involving Peter after radiant combatant!:

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One of the other new maps added is Joshua's Safe! The primary location for Kid Wars - Saga IV!:

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One of the new maps for Frontier Force is the main location in Saga II! That being Kip City!:

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