

Indie company focused on comics, music, and game development. Discord -

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Sudden change of pace but this month will be a month of continued Kid Wars and Kid Wars content!:

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Announced last month! is now a official Comix-Blade team member:

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August 6th comes a new set of additions for Kid Wars - Frontier Force too expand the tabletop experience!:

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Want to have samples and the raw original MIDI's too Erizabeth Rodriguez' music? You can now be becoming a member of the E-Series subscriber!:

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Another art set! But we have a long overdue pixel set too show off today for everyones viewing pleasure!:

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Coming December will be the 2nd season of Duel Devastator! The continuing tale of the Duelist, Hale Bravo:

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If you haven't came by yet! We will be using Twitch in the future for pre-release game showings!:

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Long overdue but the last addition to the James Universa on both the playable and assist line up is Alexis Magno from Shining Knight!:

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7 Episodes ahead! Dalberts got a surprise for everyone!:

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This weekend the online game will be public for everyone too play! For Duel Devastator!:

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