Conan Comics, by Crom!さんのプロフィール画像

Conan Comics, by Crom!さんのイラストまとめ

Here to talk about the gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth of CONAN comic books!

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Probably never going to happen, but I would love a Conan series that picked up the continuity of the old Dark Horse series and continued Conan’s chronological adventures following “The Devil in Iron,” the last Dark Horse adaptation/storyline.

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SAVAGE AVENGERS appears to be the final issue to feature Conan the Barbarian. I know this title created some controversy, but I thought it was a fun little project. Not sure where they’ll go from here as Conan was the title’s draw for me and I imagine a lot of other readers.

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Happy Father’s Day, barbarians!

Art: Mahmud Asrar

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Conan vs Thor by Rob de la Torre:

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This thing is so good. I believe “The Hour of the Dragon” has supplanted “The Frost-Giant’s Daughter” as my favorite of The Cimmerian installments. I really needed this French palate cleanser to wash away the taste of that Bêlit & Valeria rot.

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Unlikely, I know, but the Dark Horse series followed Conan from being born on a battlefield up to the events of REH’s story, “The Devil in Iron.” I would love to see that continuity continue in some format. ’s “Shadow of Vengeance” would make the perfect next chapter.

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This comic confirms that not everything Ablaze touches turns to gold. Despite a decent artist better used elsewhere, this comic is utter tripe. As awful as Marvel did with these characters in their own miniseries, the writer here seems to have challenged himself to do worse.

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If this is to be one of the last few issues to emerge from Marvel then KING CONAN is going out with a bang! Yes, the island princess’s sudden name and wardrobe change from the previous issues is silly, but the highlight here is the scenes between father and son. Great stuff!

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Best Conan comic I’ve read this month. A kingdom’s heart is its king, and Aquilonia’s king is CONAN!

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