Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Artist of characters you shouldn’t like, but worryingly do. I’d also like a nap. They/them. Lvl 30. Commissions: closed

フォロー数:845 フォロワー数:959

Felix will love & sleep with anybody. I’ve had a lot of fun writing a character so intensely Pan. He finds things he loves in everybody.

Miles is my bi boi with a preference leaning towards the masculine spectrum, though a clever woman can make him simper too.

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Sloan’s jobs requires a lot of various travel. Though they often end up driving. Theo’s usually at the wheel (otherwise he’ll occupy himself which isn’t always in Sloans best interest.)
Under better circumstances Theo & Miles might admit this isn’t a bad way see a country.

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I do 2 projects at a time ‘cause I can’t eat the same thing everyday. When I need time off both I either free draw for fun or do writing/art studies. Writing studies often make me realise how much I can improve main projects though, so I return to working on them with fresh inspo

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For my comic:
The combination of the inherited wit if his mothers & his personal loathing for nearly every solitary individual in existence, makes for one very dry & sacrastic recluse.

He’s a pleasure to write.

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Miles. The taller.
& I intend to do so one day when his thoughts are no longer spoilers. Theo, the shorter, is the POV but they’re both kidnapped henchmen & therefore both see a shit tonne regularly hit the fan. It’s just that between the 2 of them, Theo instigates it more 😂

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Some unknown.
Who can pull it off, looks close enough to the part that the costume and performance can bridge the gap, is hard working, understands the character, can contribute & just needs a chance.

A blank slate with no audience preconceptions.

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Shepard’s belt.
He made it himself & loads it every morning before he starts work with whatever he’ll need for the task ahead. It’s so good at keeping everything he needs close at hand that Felix often tries to smuggle it away for himself for the day.

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My crew work on a flying ship. It’s not possible, there’s no scientific logic behind it. I’m here to tell a story. Put down that book on the industrial revolution. Stop fact checking fiction. This is not a story about How a ship flies it’s a story about a crew on a flying ship.

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Theo’s a surfie.
He loves everything about the beach except for his wetsuit pants.

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