Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Bear Pettigrew - Illustrator 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Artist of characters you shouldn’t like, but worryingly do. I’d also like a nap. They/them. Lvl 30. Commissions: closed

フォロー数:848 フォロワー数:966

Did I mentioned that Theo can & does surf? Not when people are watching. But still, he does surf. & he's good at it. I've done other sketches of Theo surfing that I drop on my patrons because it's fun. Some of them I may paint like this one which means you'll get more 😝

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So Morgan is a Disney Princess now 😂. I had trouble drawing him consistently so I did a character turn around (the sketch). I don't know when it became a 'colours of the wind' moment but I leaned into it with the painting because why the hell not 😝

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This looks like a particularly horrific sailor moon transformation.

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Fricken loved this movie and did way too much fan art of it 😂😂😂

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Another troll who somehow got his hands on a bag of troll key ring toys. How did he get them? And do u even know what they are?

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He could explain the rather difficult logic that those are 'his' fish, or he could shut up and enjoy the company.

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