

フォロー数:602 フォロワー数:980

"I think now you should prepare tea in your casino, because coffee machines are very expensive also... I want to ask Why do your eyes bleed even though you're wearing glasses? I thought glasses could protect your eyes..."

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"Why use a machine when all you need is to brew tea leaves and dried flowers, Coffee is temporary... Tea is Eternal...
Let's embrace Tea!!!"

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"Pffft— I'm just kidding... ~ Come on... let's find a solution on how to get your body back to normal again"

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"Committing crimes like putting the servants' toothbrushes in the toilet and returning them without washing them..."

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"I don't think I know my real name... But you can call me Guinevere...? Uh... It's my pleasure to meet you"

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"You're right! I have so many pets here"

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"My past life... My ex-husband...? I do not care... Whatever belongs to my past"

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"Are you the so-called "Master"? Why do you look so small that I can swallow you?"

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"From my past life...? I think now is the right time for me to not care about what happened in the past"

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"From my past life... Wait... What's that little thing?"

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