

フォロー数:602 フォロワー数:980

"So... the one I hugged back then was you? Not Sir Lancelot...?"

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chance, will you marry me and make me your wife?"

Spontaneously the former queen said it frankly, albeit with a nervous feeling

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She then chuckled, and held both his hands while smiling

"See? You look more radiant when you smile...
I'm flattered that you're willing to smile at me..."

Because his smile warmed her feelings, she blushed but didn't take her eyes off him

"Hey.. Sidus... If one day we have a—

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She rubbed the back of her head, she just realized that they had been talking formally all along

“Didn't you ever think about smiling at me just once…? Your face always looks tense when you talk to me...
I thought maybe it was because you couldn't have a casual talk with me..."

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"I will always be a burden to anyone close to me, I don't deserve love and I never will ... But—"

She then pulled his hand and placed a gift in his palm—
it's a necklace that has a blue ruby

"Thank you... because you always come to me, when I call you your name... Sidus"

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She then let go of his embrace, and cupped his cheeks, looking deep into his eyes with longing and affection

"Are you sure you want to give your life for me? Do you think I'm just a burden to you?"

But after that she let him go

"Sorry it turned out to be more than 10 seconds"

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// And smol guin said :

"Papa, papa! Pick me up!"

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