

A loudmouth Yugoslav ☭.

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:388

On a side note, here are some cels from the Ewoks pilot:

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I don't know... I get this odd feeling that the show got crippled by some corporate sack of shit...

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Yes Professor Geek, urge your fans to give Universal money ignoring the facts that:
-Those DVDs are of botched quality(with additional commercial spaces inserted for streaming platforms)
-Revelation is done on Mattel's side of things
-Netflix She-Ra is now remains of a dead horse

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Also, I focus on scans that come with layout art that features the codes:

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For example, notice how Vegeta's armor are shifted toward the red when compared to scan on the left:

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BTW, check this out - a cel from a deleted bit. After Lion-O deflect Mum-Ra's energy bolt, he was going to dash towards him:

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