

A loudmouth Yugoslav ☭.

フォロー数:63 フォロワー数:385

Ai upscaling is getting really mindblowing.

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That's 's artwork there, just rendered poorly...

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Was gonna comment how the artist tried to solve the crotch trigger issue when I noticed:

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It's due to the noise removal filter that eliminates any fast moving element. Quite a number of animated works have been damaged by it. Here's some examples from "Masters of the Universe" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles":

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In fact - here's the announcement for it:

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But... why would they look like this in the 60's when their original designs are from the 60's?! 😶

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Speaking of Darkseid... man, the last Superfriends show NAILED his look. 😎

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Don't like MOTU Origins? Well, duh, it's for KIDS! Totally not aimed at you:

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