

He/Him catch me at diemtf.tumblr.com or @[email protected]

My beginner-friendly Kamen Rider discord: discord.gg/dz7rD48rY

フォロー数:816 フォロワー数:1059

The crossover is uncomplicated but adorable: what if Digimon were cute little armour toy guys (like Omega Knight) or what if Medabots could fuse together into the coolest and most over-the-top thing you’ve ever seen (like Omedamon)

3 16

So, uh, that’s what a decade of advancements in toy engineering looks like, is it?

7 49

D…Drag Strip?

0 5

A list of guys who are not Jazz who are Jazz:

SG Jazz
SG Ricochet
SG Stepper

0 23

Tuesday Transformers Tquestion: Pulsecon is on the horizon, what would be your dream left-field announcement? A new figure of an overlooked character or a reissue of a great toy? A new game or show, or a re-release of one? What one announcement would blow your socks off?

4 87

I don’t know much about Gundam but I like the one with kitty ears

0 6

If Final Fantasy VIII had come out 20 years later you wouldn’t be able to move for people on social media thirsting over Fujin.

0 1

Veemon only fights bad guys

0 2