

He/Him catch me at diemtf.tumblr.com or @[email protected]

My beginner-friendly Kamen Rider discord: discord.gg/dz7rD48rY

フォロー数:816 フォロワー数:1059

So not, for example, one that has a giant picture of Genshin Impact wearing her goggles and corset on the side.

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I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something incredibly cool about the hero having a brand new design and the evil clone using an older, more familiar design. It's subverting some kind of expectation.

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I was just guessing based on the colours and his Sunbow-ish head but I could be wrong.

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It’s a pretty good year for Digimon which means I have to once again revise my eighty-page essay on why Adventure Gomamon’s Mega form should have been Marineangemon.

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If TR Nautica and Arcee weren’t in such demand on the aftermarket I would buy an extra pair and part-swap them into a Twirl.

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The “Blackarachnia has a type” pipeline

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まさか? very sad


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I love how when it comes to Mega-level Digimon there are two real extremes of design.

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