

Artist & 3D modeller creating scale model dinosaur skulls & More!
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フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:668

Pointy Birds, O Pointy Pointy,
Anoint my head, Anointy Nointy

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The sculpt is mostly just fur stamps made with scanned pencil drawings

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Made lots of progress with this but haven't had time to properly W.I.P it.

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Got a bit of a rig going for the ant, it’s got basic function but I need to study this area more

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I'm not one for very fine details but I do want to have the facets of the compound eye

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Moved to Blender 3.2 for detail sculpting

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Old skull model I found on backup drive

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Started with the sub_D version

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Starting the scaffold by approximating the form with subdivision surfaces, this eliminates a lot of messing about push/pulling a cube or sphere into shape.

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