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Ancient Artefact of the Day: The 'Pylos Combat Agate' - a simply stunning and beautiful engraved sealstone from the undisturbed Late Helladic II grave of the Griffin Warrior near the Palace of Nestor at Pylos. #AAOTD #BronzeAge
Image: Stocker and Davis (2017) - see end of thread
Ancient Artefact of the Day: The Terme Boxer, or 'Boxer at Rest', a glorious Hellenistic bronze statue that was found on the Quirinal Hill in Rome, in 1885. #AAOTD #TermeBoxer
Image: Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
Ancient Artefact of the Day: The stunning Lucanian Calyx-krater, ca. 400 BC, likely directly depicting the final scene of Euripdes' 'Medea'. The other side of the vase shows Telephos holding the baby Orestes, again a Euripidean scene. #AAOTD
Image: Cleveland Museum of Art 1991.1
The Amores continue Ovid's love-affair with love poetry, until he is tempted to leave his elegiac Muse for her 'worthier' tragic sister. This moment from Amores 3.1 was brilliantly drawn for me by @BBeverungWrites and it now hangs on my office wall.