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#FrescoFriday - One of my favourite panels from Pompeii: the rather splendid fresco from the House of Jason (IX.5.18), showing the myth of Europa and the Bull. Those colours! #Mythology #Art
Image: National Archaeological Museum, Naples (111475). Link - https://t.co/d7s3NqWrKD
'Sleeping Ariadne' - Originally thought to depict Cleopatra VII, this statue type represents the princess of Crete after Theseus abandoned her on Naxos: ca. 2nd Century AD, though extensively restored. #Art #Myth
Image: Uffizi Gallery (MAF 13728). Link - https://t.co/XvL2vHpmSt
#LatinForTheDay – 21 September #Ovid
“dumque ibi perluitur solita Titania lympha,
ecce nepos Cadmi dilata parte laborum
per nemus ignotum non certis passibus errans
pervenit in lucum: sic illum fata ferebant.
qui simul intravit rorantia fontibus antra,...
#LatinForTheDay – 12 September #Ovid
“quod mare non novit, quae nescit Ariona tellus?
carmine currentes ille tenebat aquas.
saepe sequens agnam lupus est a voce retentus,
saepe avidum fugiens restitit agna lupum;
saepe canes leporesque umbra iacuere sub una,...
A beautiful fragment of a Roman silver plate from the Traprain Treasure: ca. AD 410-425. The niello decoration, set within a gilt double-ring, shows 'Venus Anadyomene' - Venus rising from the sea. #Art
Image: National Museum of Scotland (X.GVA 44). Link - https://t.co/HdzWQEYuk1
@clitullus "I know the number of the sands and the measure of the sea;
I understand the speech of the dumb and hear the voiceless."
#LatinForTheDay – 16 August #Horace
“ergo obligatam redde Iovi dapem
longaque fessum militia latus
depone sub lauru mea, nec
parce cadis tibi destinatis.
oblivioso levia Massico
ciboria exple; funde capacibus...
#LatinForTheDay – 10 August #Ovid
“Talia dicentem nervosque ad verba moventem
exsangues flebant animae; nec Tantalus undam
captavit refugam, stupuitque Ixionis orbis,
nec carpsere iecur volucres, urnisque vacarunt
Belides, inque tuo sedisti, Sisyphe, saxo....
#FrescoFriday - A rather splendid fresco showing the myth of Europa and the Bull, from the House of Jason, Pompeii (IX.5.18). Yes, Zeus is up to more of his bullshit! #Mythology #Art
Image: National Archaeological Museum, Naples (111475). Link - https://t.co/mJTmfEf969
The rose had long enjoyed a position as a numismatic marker of Rhodes (see below); while the diadem had long been a symbol of Hellenic kingship, i.e. sole power.
Image: Rhodian didrachm: ANS 1944.100.48620. Link - https://t.co/5Z0E4JRBVq