

I run Dogasu's Backpack. 日本在住のアメリカ人です He/Him/His,

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:4801

【DB Update】 We've got another manga coming up! Here's absolutely everything there is to know about a new manga set to debut next month, "Pocket Monsters ~ Liko's Treasure ~

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And finally there's Gurumin, whose name comes from nuigurumi (ぬいぐるみ), or "stuffed animal." This character will be played by voice actress Yoshino Aoyama

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A new team from the upcoming "The Explorers" (エクスプローラーズ).

The group's leader (???) is Amegeo (アメジオ), whose name may be a combination of the mineral amethyst (アメシスト) and geo (ジオ), is played by Shun Horie.

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【DB Update】 Everything there is to know about Kei Yamadaka's new "Pocket Monsters (2023)" manga scheduled to start up next month!

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Terapagos (テラパゴス)
tera (テラ), as in the Gen 9 gimmick Terastal (テラスタル)

garapagosu shotou (ガラパゴス諸島), "Galápagos Islands"

Possibly also be loosely based off the Ultraman monster Pagos (パゴス)

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2) The pre-HD stuff is still presented in standard definition, even on the Blu-ray. It's SD on Blu-ray, in other words.

From left to right:
a) A previous DVD release
b) The HD remaster from the Movie 20 Blu-ray
c) The new 2023 Blu-ray

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Since people really seem to like the Rocket duo part of this cover, here's a higher quality version

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Cover of the December 1997 issue of Animedia magazine. Cover art by .

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