

I run Dogasu's Backpack. 日本在住のアメリカ人です He/Him/His,

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:4801

【DB Update】 I've been going through my old page for Pokémon Movie 5 and have been cleaning it up / updating it to make it more in line with recent movie pages.

It's still very much a work in progress but here's what I've done so far!

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Your upperclassman who's good at cooking is named Pepper (ペパー).

Your shy classmate is Botan (ボタン), which can be interpreted as either "button" or "peony"

The Ice-Type Gym Leader Grusha (グルーシャ), which is apparently the Russian word for "pear"

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The principal's name is Clavell (クラベル), which may come partly from the Japanese word kuraberu (比べる), "to compare."

The biology teacher is Zinnia (ジニア), as in the flower, but his name could also be interpreted as "genius" (ジニアス)

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Pupeemocchi (パピモッチ)
papii (パピー), "puppy"
mocchi (もっち), "doughy, mochi-like texture"

Japanese fans are wondering if Pupeemocchi is an evolution of Pamo given how similar their names are.

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Happy 10 Year Anniversary to Radio Show! The Secret Empire! The first episode of the 26-episode radio show came out July 1st, 2012 on Tokyo's 76.1 interFM.

More details about the radio show here:

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I wish TPCi would dub the "main" series to the same high standards they dub all these side projects.

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The human characters in from left to right:

Olim (オーリム), which comes from Latin for "once" (as in "once upon a time")

Futu (フトゥー), which comes from Latin for "future" (futurum)

Nemo (ネモ), from the flower nemophila

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Minnive (ミニーブ)
mini (ミニ)
olive (オリーブ)

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Gluton (グルトン)
gurutonii (グルトニー), "gluttony"
ton (豚), an alternate reading of the kanji for "pig"

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Let's check out the new Japanese names!

Pamo (パモ)
The Japanese Internet hasn't figured out what its name is based on yet but it has been pointed out that Pamo is the first Pokémon to have a two-"letter" name since Py in Generation 2

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