Pete Orfordさんのプロフィール画像

Pete Orfordさんのイラストまとめ

Course Director of Charles Dickens MA @UniOfBuckingham
Interests in #Shakespeare and #Dickens
Currently editing Dombey and Son for Oxford University Press…

フォロー数:1261 フォロワー数:2132

Well that doesn't look good... 22/

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The reason Dickens is unimpressed is "by reason of the hideous paintings with which its walls are covered. These represent the martyrdoms of saints and early Christians; and such a panorama of horror and butchery, no man could imagine in his sleep." How bad could they be? Oh. 21/

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Pecksniff. There were times he got me so mad, I had to put the book down.

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I've signed the contract now, so am happy to say I'll be editing another work for the Dickens series and it is....Dombey and Son - one of my favourites.

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On a scale of characters, how do you feel today?

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"Newly emerged evidence showing Batman and Boz together disputes popular theory that Charles is the caped crusader. Coming up next we'll be talking to beard expert Herr Suit who is running extensive comparisons to argue that Dickens *may* be Aquaman..."

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The infrared and x-ray scans of the painting reveal earlier deletions, such as the painting behind Catherine. Hopefully the can do further work to restore the picture to its full glory!

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With the 150th anniversary of Dickens's death coming next month, I've put Pictures from Italy to one side temporarily, and am enjoying reimmersing myself in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, especially 's awesome illustrations for

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Well, I ran my first online seminar today with students around the world. It didn't go too bad, even though my internet reception is on a par with the star destroyer's in an asteroid field.

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I consider myself an open-minded individual, but I honestly don't understand how anyone could be anything but on this question.

Or indeed, any question.

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