

33 year old pixel artist, nonbinary transfem (she/they), USA, fighting game enthusiast | i love to make pretty things and i love to look pretty

フォロー数:108 フォロワー数:286

phew, this is probably the biggest single pixel art i've done yet. the announcement of the Advance Wars remake made me realize that, for as much as i like AW, i've never ever made fanart of it, so here ya go

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got another soul calibur portrait done, this time it's Tira with her Soul Calibur VI design

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back to art with a portrait of ivy from Soul Calibur VI. i can tell you my next piece will be another SC character portrait as well

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transmetropolitan's first issues were published in 1997. this is from issue 13, which was published in 1998. can you guess what year news first broke of the monica lewinsky scandal

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i will also never stop doing double-takes at seeing "meme" used in this comic from the 90s

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it's difficult not to think that every somethingawful goon back in the day modeled their speech patterns after warren ellis's writing and spider jerusalem in specific sometimes. this panel made me wince

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also something charming about how wearable tech having 2 GB of memory is about equivalently futuristic to a magic-matter-arranger machine

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someone in the fightzone also made this image yesterday because of me playing ivy in soul calibur 6 and let me tell you i couldn't've been more thrilled

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makoto from street fighter III. started as just a portrait then i expanded it to be something bigger

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me when melty blood in smash bros real

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