Pasokon Deacon | | J-PC Dazeさんのプロフィール画像

Pasokon Deacon | | J-PC Dazeさんのイラストまとめ

East Asian PC gaming/history maven. Bookmark simp. Fiction dabbler. @GeofrontTeam crew & Falcom muser. FPS mapper. Catch-up wiz. He/him.

フォロー数:388 フォロワー数:2745

Hashimoto took this experience with J-PC game creation to his better-known Windows works.

Akuji the Demon & Hydra Castle Labyrinth got a lot of traction in Western indie dev circles some years back, arguably at the expense of their MSX and X68k roots. They're in my backlog too.

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Somehow there's fanart, too, like these '96 CGs from JACK:

As the DLSite page says, this game's all-ages, so I can recommend it to anyone who wants a mix of Lode Runner, Apogee-like platformers, and a bit of Touhou charm.

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It's easy to pigeon-hole Korean and Chinese PC games then and now as just MMOs and RTSes, let alone the PC-98 as just for porn and Touhou. But games like this are *much* more common than Western perceptions account for. If only we'd have more of a fan translation scene for them!

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Some parts are just really nasty, especially the lack of checkpoints & variable box items like thieves that rob you!

Thankfully, nabbing copious loot during stages, plus finding the hidden ticket, lets you buy upgrades from shops between levels, mitigating the difficulty.

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I hope I'm not tempting fate by choosing this one, but it seems like the bad discourse and/or fandumb curse has so far avoided a lot of more obscure Falcom classics like Xanadu Next

Happy tree day to my mutuals. Let's hope my big gift to y'all comes together tomorrow.

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Again, I mainly know about Enjo thanks to his work on the Zavas series. These games by Glodia are two of the most non-linear, innovative JRPGs on classic Japanese PCs, epitomizing the "make your own fun" ideals of their developers.

I will cover Zavas (II) in depth at some point.

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