

Sharing useful stuff when I remember. Usually don't. 4x founder. Tech/eComm/Fashion/Education. 3x rekt on CEXs.

フォロー数:763 フォロワー数:3047

When are we going to get another -level artist in the space?

I don't mean someone who has simply worked at big studios

It's gotta be someone who knows how to create character art that millions can love/appreciate

0 6

Next came the water

wen water elemental?

0 2


about time you join!

0 1

Sometimes one simply can not pass on a ridiculously clean Beanz


3 82

An interesting by-product of moving to a different chain from is that y00ts could surpass DeGods in $ price

This isn't an apes/mutants scenario

They have different roadmaps

Not something that would likely happen if they were both on eth

20 113

Ready for the next F1 race 🏎️

0 16