

Sharing useful stuff when I remember. Usually don't. 4x founder. Tech/eComm/Fashion/Education. 3x rekt on CEXs.

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is steps ahead

2023 sees Solana seed round investor unlocks

Their cost basis?


Loads of downward pressure throughout the year. No sense in a blockchain-agnostic brand getting caught up in that mess

0 0

I’m stacking. Because of y00

Keep on keeping on Frank 🫡

0 0

Aaaand another one

Pimp coat gang 🔥

What other clubs should I join?

13 188

Anecdotal but substantially more web3 frens are asking about and buying since announced their move to Polygon

DeGods as well

This move puts them on an even playing field and I’m here for it

9 44

Would highly recommend y00ts at around that price. Sol sucks but they’re moving to Polygon Q1.

For me it’s a bet on and team

0 2