

Sharing useful stuff when I remember. Usually don't. 4x founder. Tech/eComm/Fashion/Education. 3x rekt on CEXs.

フォロー数:763 フォロワー数:3047

Oh it’s the play alright. Need to get back up to 20+. Around 17 after loss harvesting

0 4

Whatever comes in 2023, I'll be here for it 🫡


Because of the sleepless nights after making bad trades

Because of the heart-thumping euphoria as a well-researched thesis plays out

Studying history can help you understand something

But direct experience changes behavior

4 25

yoooo so similar!

I'm the balding down bad version 🤣

0 5

Yoooo welcome Frankie!! And thanks for the trade 🤝

0 4