

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

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This is the most interested I’ve ever been in a Mystique story and it’s because of Destiny… basically. (Inferno

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This has been a heckuva “run.” Very interested in what comes next. (Daredevil

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It’s all so meta! (Crossover

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I think this was a stand alone issue? I liked it nonetheless. (Time Before Time

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It’s gotta be Shang-Chi, right? That just makes sense? 🤞🏾

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Infrashame, again!?! (S.W.O.R.D.

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Great first issue. Really enjoyed it. (Catwoman: Lonely City book one)

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Gonna need Greg and Tim Hildebrandt variants next. https://t.co/OX08HJ60iY

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Nobody likes a one-upper, Stephen. (Defenders

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