

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

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Conan. May you never change… (Savage Avengers

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I guess as a “jumping on point,” this issue didn’t really grab me. I always like checking in on the main Spider-Man book, I just never stay a while. (Amazing Spider-Man

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What is this series even? (Dark Ages

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Hmm… not sure how I feel about that ending, but the next issue comes out tomorrow and I guess I’ll see how things shake out then. (Savage Avengers

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Who keeps a trophy in the fridge… wrestling jokes… (Savage Avengers

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This is as good of a stretch on Wolverine as I can remember. (Wolverine

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Hmm… I was expecting something different this issue. (Alien

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Chip Zdarsky. Marco Checchetto. Done deal.

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Ah. Right. The Council of Kangs. I’d make a “timing” joke but you know… obvious. (Fantastic Four

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In case you’ve ever wondered what happens if your little dog eats an edamame bean… it’s edamame in, edamame out.

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