

Non-Binary Aro/Ace Brit arting with health issues and aphantasia. Draws original critters, birds and has bouts of fanart. Also writes fic. They/Them

フォロー数:1008 フォロワー数:622

Artists. post your art and your star sign.

Aries just kinda wobbling about doing my own thing looking for my own magic fire. https://t.co/x48rxmfM3y

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Characters that need more love previews Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3.

Two days have been affected by me being in a lot of pain so I apologise for the erratic quality.

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Funnily enough before I was in art shutdown for a few months I was working art of her! But it be a Zoe alright.

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To ensure that the balance of this world would be maintained, an Order of three was formed who maintain an eternal vigil whilst wielding the power of the arcane.

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This horn detail is annoying I should do something else I say doing antler detail.

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Anyway in less depressing I tossed some rough colours onto this earlier and it works surprisingly well? I apologise to anyone who thought anything I do is clean, it's a carefully curated lie.

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I'm painting over the original so you can still see bits of it but /damn/

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Saw yesterday was starting a tag so decided to join in!

I'm Feather who arts with aphantasia and keeps going on strange critter and bird binges because why not honestly it's fun :)

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I'm Feather a fanfic writer and artist currently suffering from cold weather, birds and critters are my jam. Also have aphantasia!

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