

Non-Binary Aro/Ace Brit arting with health issues and aphantasia. Draws original critters, birds and has bouts of fanart. Also writes fic. They/Them

フォロー数:1008 フォロワー数:622

It's gonna end up covered soooo.

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Rendering very different metal, or trying to anyway.

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From Art Fight this year, this is Nix who was a Revenge for BlaideBlack!

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It did save thank god but the paranoia it was gonna crash and corrupt the file was real.

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I've been commissioned for two Mandalorian muffins! Cara was a lot more recent so figured I'd bunch them together.

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I think these are from mid-August? Two sketches I did while my arm was very fizzly. Def want tod raw Beast!Jim properly at some point!

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I uh might have not stopped and now my hand is seizing up.

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The Camelot symbol isn't in yet and likely having to do a bunch more adjusting when it is but! Here's how rendering went today.

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